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Nikamu Mamuitun joins Roch Voisine, Guylaine Tanguay and Sofia Duhaime

A party with an air of unity on Friday, September 2nd at the 35th FMG

July 26th 2022

Gatineau – The second evening of performances at the 35th Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival presented by Loto-Québec in collaboration with Desjardins will be punctuated by the meeting of various typically American music styles, as Sofia Duhaime, Guylaine Tanguay, Nikamu Mamuitun and Roch Voisine take the stage.

New Brunswicker Roch Voisine will celebrate the 10th anniversary of his three Americana albums, which have sold more than half a million copies and been performed in front of over 250,000 fans. Accompanied on stage by several musicians, the undeniably charming singer will offer a veritable firework of songs that marked his youth and that everyone will be able to sing along to, including "Crazy," "Always on my mind," "City of New Orleans" and "Pretty Woman".

The Indigenous and non-Indigenous collective Nikamu Mamuitun will be presenting Les Chansons rassembleuses, the result of their fruitful collaboration. Singer-songwriters Matiu, Karen Pinette-Fontaine, Scott Pien-Picard, Ivan Boivin, Marcie, Cédrik St-Onge, Chloé Lacasse and Joëlle Saint-Pierre will offer indie-folk sounds, musical atmospheres, polyphonic rhythms and moments of collective laughter, thanks to the great connection they have developed and which allows them to take a step closer to one another.

Guylaine Tanguay promises many little surprises and unique moments in the company of her musicians, in a show exclusive to the FMG entitled À deux mètres de toi. In this performance, she will transport us into her musical universe and draw from her extensive repertoire of songs that make up the 17 albums she has to her credit, including her latest, Céline à ma façon, released last May.

Sofia Duhaime will kick off the festivities at 5 pm! The Outaouais-based singer-songwriter has already made her mark at events such as Star Académie and Cégeps en spectacle, and her first single, entitled "Miraculeux," offers a musical universe where wisdom and eccentricity intersect.

Buy your tickets and find out all the details about the 35th edition of the Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival presented by Loto-Québec in collaboration with Desjardins at


Source : FMG

Lyne Dutremble, annexe

Press relations in Montreal and the province

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Michelle O’Neil, Director of Communications (Outaouais media)


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